I had a smaller bookcase in my other house's sewing room. Today I decided to get it out of the attic and clean it up. I also recently put two totes of Calicos up there. Well, I've been in that attic 3 times since I put them up there, one would think "duh" you need that fabric back in your sewing room. I use baskets so I don't look like a Horder, rflol who me?????
I moved all my "modern" fabrics to the new bookcase. It fit perfectly at the end of the other's. I straightened fabrics and straightened. It's also a great way to know what you have in your stash. I must have a fasination with green fabric, I have a lot of it, but very little Red, which is my favorite color. Oh well, it's nice and tidy now. I presently have 3 quilts active, lol....on on the quilting frame that I didn't count.
I've ordered Carrot colored Jumbo Rick Rack, it should be here Monday, that's for a quilt I haven't even started yet out of the "More of the William Morris Applique" book.
I'll post pictures as soon as I progress along enough for you to tell what you're looking at.
Obviously, the reason you don't have as much of your favorite fabric color is that you probably use it up faster. I enjoy seeing how others arrange their sewing rooms. I will be moving into a new (to us) house soon and will need to get my sewing room set up. I like the looks of your shelving, but I'm waiting until we actually move in to decide how I want to arrange things.