Saturday, July 12, 2014

This is what I did today

I had a smaller bookcase in my other house's sewing room.  Today I decided to get it out of the attic and clean it up.  I also recently put two totes of Calicos up there.  Well, I've been in that attic 3 times since I put them up there, one would think "duh" you need that fabric back in your sewing room.  I use baskets so I don't look like a Horder, rflol  who me?????

I moved all my "modern" fabrics to the new bookcase.  It fit perfectly at the end of the other's.  I straightened fabrics and straightened.  It's also a great way to know what you have in your stash.  I must have a fasination with green fabric, I have a lot of it, but very little Red, which is my favorite color.  Oh well, it's nice and tidy now.  I presently have 3 quilts active, lol....on on the quilting frame that I didn't count.

I've ordered Carrot colored Jumbo Rick Rack, it should be here Monday, that's for a quilt I haven't even started yet out of the "More of the William Morris Applique" book. 

I'll post pictures as soon as I progress along enough for you to tell what you're looking at.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, the reason you don't have as much of your favorite fabric color is that you probably use it up faster. I enjoy seeing how others arrange their sewing rooms. I will be moving into a new (to us) house soon and will need to get my sewing room set up. I like the looks of your shelving, but I'm waiting until we actually move in to decide how I want to arrange things.
